Friday, February 3, 2012

Welcome to Kate's Kitchen (Cucina di Kate)

One of my most dependable methods for calming frazzled nerves, or for cooling a fit of anger is to go into the kitchen and get productive. Whether I am cooking or baking, chopping vegetables, organizing the pantry, or even just cleaning out the microwave, working in the kitchen somehow brings me peace. Last night was a wonderful example. I arrived home from work (no, I am not a housewife) absolutely furious with my boss and with my job in general. It did not help that the volley that set my temper ablaze came minutes before I planned to leave for the day.

Normally, I am pretty good at leaving work at work, but last night I was just plain angry. I tried a number of things to calm my nerves, watching TV, playing on Facebook, writing a particularly scathing blog entry, and nothing worked. As dinner time approached, I decided that I was far too upset and angry to go to the effort of making dinner for my family. I got on line and started to order a pizza. I do not know why or how, but in mid-shopping cart review, I stopped myself. I thought, “no, buying a pizza when I have food to prepare would be irresponsible. It is not my family's fault that my boss is a complete and unapologetic jerk, and they deserve to have a meal prepared for them.”

I canceled out of the pizza site and forced myself into the kitchen. I had a recipe that I downloaded from my favorite recipe website that I was prepared to make; but as I gathered the necessary ingredients, I found myself bursting with different ideas. I grabbed an entirely different set of components and set to work. Within minutes I had chicken browning in a buttery skillet along with a bevy of delicious vegetables. And better, with each passing minute, with each slice of the knife through the fresh onion, and with each dirtied dish, my mood gradually lifted. By the time my loving partner returned home, I had completely forgotten my anger.

I love to cook. And I love to create, modify, and improve recipes. I think that I have managed to develop some really good dishes. I am not a professional cook, nor do I have excellent technical skills in the kitchen. When I slice a pepper or an onion, the pieces are not all equal in size or shape. But when I cook, I put my heart in it, and from what family and friends tell me, the results show it.

For a little while, I documented my recipes as hubs in hopes of turning my efforts into some form of professional writing. I no longer write the hubs – never made a dime at it, despite quite a few devoted followers, but I still want to share my recipes and experiments. I enjoy the sharing almost as much as I enjoy cooking. With that in mind, I am starting this new blog dedicated to the kitchen. I hope you will follow along and enjoy.

Happy Cooking!

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